Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My husband has become a Wikipedi-holic. No lie. I find more than a bit of irony in this new development.  The man is an attorney–he makes his living by having the facts on his side and his ducks in a row. Legal-eagle by day, he  has taken to recreational “research” by night in one of the most singularly unreliable sources of information known to man. But that’s the fun of Wikipedia.
Anything can trigger a Wiki moment. The more obscure the object of your curiosity, the more entertained you’ll be. The unfathomably enormous pool of useless (not to mention good natured-ly inaccurate) information will astound you. And once you dip a toe in the waters of Wiki-land, it’s like Alice through the Looking Glass. You just don’t know what you’ll find around the next corner.
My favorite recent Wiki-adventure began when I popped a bag of microwave popcorn. Bob looked at the bag and immediately wondered, “Who is Orville Redenbacher? Or isthere even such a person?” Holy Kettle Corn, Batman! This calls for a Wiki-Search! Instantly, Redenbacher trivia filled the screen, a veritable Orville extravaganza, bow-tied bliss. Are you ready?
Orville Redenbacher was a real person, and that’s his real name. Yep. He earned his fortune in fertilizers, then turned his attention to his true passion in life. You guessed it–popcorn. Do you know where selling a whole bunch of popcorn will take you in this great nation? Read it and weep for all the opportunities you could have had if only you had been a geeky-looking-popcorn-obsessed man with a weird name. You could have:
-Been celebrated in the Valparaiso, Indiana Popcorn Festival, baby.
-Appeared in the coveted role of Grand Marshall of the Popcorn Parade.
-Received an honorary doctorate from Purdue University.
-Starred in this classic television commercial (Click below to watch “76 Difference.” Now. It will make your day.)  Classic 1976 Orville Commercial
-Died a wealthy man in your jacuzzi at the age of 88.
Are you inspired to follow your true passion in life? Or maybe just to spend a little time on Wikipedia?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled or Wiki’d lately? Come on. ‘Fess up.
Photo credit: This post originally appeared on the Peanut Gallery Speaks.

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